Assessing the Future of Our Wines
It is a research project that aim at compiling, centralizing and analyzing data on native winegrape varieties to assess and predict the impacts of climate change on viticulture in the Iberian Peninsula. More specifically, we are collecting data on phenological, enological and agronomic traits and unifying them in a large dataset, that will be used to quantify the effects of climate on the productivity and quality of 16 winegrape varieties that best represent Spanish wines. In advanced stages of the project, predictive models of the maturation capacity of the Iberian varieties will be forecasted for the winegrowing regions of the Iberian Peninsula and the World.
Global Change Ecology & Evolution
14 de enero de 2019
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Aurelio Malo Valenzuela
14 de enero de 2019
Cuéntale a la gente más sobre las clases que ofreces. Agrega imágenes, texto y enlaces; o conecta datos de tu colección para mostrar contenido dinámico.
Miguel Angel Rodríguez
14 de enero de 2019
Cuéntale a la gente más sobre las clases que ofreces. Agrega imágenes, texto y enlaces; o conecta datos de tu colección para mostrar contenido dinámico.
Mauro Paz