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GLOCEE researchers constitute a compact group of professionals in Ecology and Evolution, and more generally in Life Sciences. We address different types of questions, (1) Evolutionary:  micro y macroevolutionary questions, relative to adaptation, speciation and evolutionary history reconstruction; (2) Ecological: at different scales, with implications for population management, biodiversity and agrodiversity, as well as biogeographic history reconstruction; (3) Environmental: answered at an ecosystem level with implications in terms of carbon exchange, or at population level with public health implications due to zoonosis.
Aurelio Malo Valenzuela
Lab Head/Coordinator
Ramon y Cajal Fellow
University of Alcalá

Broadly trained evolutionary ecologist interested on how evolution has shaped phenotypic and life-history traits in mammals. His research is mainly empirical, drawing from Ecology, Behaviour and Physiology to identify the drivers and consequences of these phenotypic and genetic variation on individuals and natural populations. Web

Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Alcala

My research focuses on understanding and predicting large-scale spatial and temporal distribution of biodiversity in a context of Climate Change. My work is multi-disciplinary and question-driven; it has emphasized the relevance and timeliness of the question over a focus on a specific study system. I integrate data and models from largely disconnected fields such as thermal eco-physiology, phenology and species distribution models. In this context I am currently exploring the potential of combining process-based and niche models to moving macroecology and biogeography towards more applied paradigms. Web

Miguel A. Rodríguez Fernández
University of Alcala

My research pursues documenting broad scale patterns of distribution of faunas and floras, as well as identifying the current and historical factors and processes that underlie them. I am also interested on the effects of climate change and habitat loss and fragmentation on species and biotas . Web.

Antonio Gómez Sal
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University of Alcala

Catedrático de Ecología de la Universidad de Alcalá. Responsable de la creación en la Universidad de Alcalá del Observatorio de la Sostenibilidad en España, preside desde entonces el Comité Científico del OSE. Trabaja en ecología del paisaje y en las bases ecológicas de los sistemas agrícolas y ganaderos.

Juan L.    Cantalapiedra
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Talento Fellow
University of Alcalá

Juan L. Cantalapiedra is a paleobiologist and his research interest focusses on the evolution of mammals, mainly Cenozoic ungulates. His approach combines large paleontological datasets with phylogenetic modeling with the purpose of unveiling the macroevolutionary processes shaping large herbivores’ evolutionary history in terms of diversity and ecomorphology.

 Josabel Belliure Ferrer
Associate Professor
Univeristy of ALcala

Josabel Belliure is an animal ecology scientist at the University of Alcalá. Her research focuses on ecology and behavior of terrestrial vertebrates -especially reptiles and birds- from a functional and an evolutionary  perspective, to understand the action of natural selection shaping organisms.

Lourdes Lledó García
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Associate Proffesor
Univeristy of Alcala

Lourdes Lledó es Doctora en Medicina y especialista en Microbiología y Parasitología Clínica. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en Zoonosis y translocación bacteriana.

En relación a su experiencia en gestión, es Decana de la Facultad de Medicina UAH, Coordinadora ECOE UAH. Así mismo es miembro del Comité de Ética Investigación UAH.  En el ámbito editorial es Subdirectora Revista Investigación y Educación en Ciencias de la Salud (RIECS,

Consuelo  Giménez Pardo
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Associate Professor
Univeristy of Alcala

Consuelo Giménez pertenece al Departamento de Biomedicina y Biotecnología. Sus líneas de investigación se centran en Zoonosis y translocación bacteriana. Es Experta Universitaria en Planificación y Gestión de Proyectos de Cooperación para el Desarrollo. Máster en Cooperación Internacional y Ayuda Humanitaria. 
Directora del Máster Universitario en Acción Humanitaria Sanitaria
Es sub-Directora asociada de la Revista en Investigación y Educación en Ciencias de la Salud (RIECS,

Rafael Molina-Venegas
Talento Fellow
University of Alcala

My research focuses on the ecological, evolutionary and geomorphological mechanisms that jointly shape plant assemblages at the community and macroecological scales. I use phylogenetic methods along with functional trait information to get insight on such processes. I am also interested in understanding the links between biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and human well-being, with a particular focus on the role of evolution. On the other hand, I work in developing and improving phylogenetic methods for the analysis of biodiversity. Web

Sara Villén Pérez
Talento Fellow
University of Alcala

Biogeographer focused on understanding the environmental limitation of biogeographic patterns and the impact of global change on the geographical distribution of species. She is interested in both the effects of climate change and habitat loss associated to human development and its relationship with regional conservation policies.

Oscar  Sanisidro   Morant
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Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Alcala

Oscar Sanisidro es paleontólogo e ilustrador científico especializado en el estudio de mamíferos fósiles a lo largo del Cenozoico con especial interés en los perisodáctilos, grupo que incluye los actuales caballos, tapires y rinocerontes. Su trabajo pretende reconstruir las historias evolutivas de estos y otros grupos mediante el estudio sistemático de sus fósiles, su análisis filogenético y el uso de técnicas como la morfometría geométrica.

Ana M.C    Santos
Research Assistnt
​Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes (cE3c)
University of Lisbon

Ana M. C. Santos (Guida) is a biogeographer and community ecologist. She uses an interdisciplinary approach for understanding pattern and process in species coexistence and community assembly at different scales, with the ultimate goal of linking biogeographical and community-level processes. Her work is grouped in three main research lines: (i) island biogeography; (ii) the macroecology of trait diversity; and (iii) functional ecology and ecosystem functioning and services. Web

Rodrigo Megía Palma

Rodrigo Megía-Palma is an evolutionary ecologist interested in host-parasite coevolution with a major focus on lizards. His research expands from population to geographic levels with interests in physiology, phylogeny, thermophysiology, sexual selection, plasticity and coping strategies of lizards to different sources of stress.

Marta Barluenga Badiola
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Marta Barluenga pertenece al Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Evolutiva. Investiga los orígenes de la biodiversidad del proceso de especiación y la formación de nuevas especies. Está interesada en los mecanismos moleculares que subyacen las innovaciones evolutivas y la diversificación. Como modelo experimental ha empleado los cíclicos de lagos africanos y centro americanos. 

Ana María Rey  Simo
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Ana Rey pertenece al Departamento de Biogeografía y Cambio Global del MNCN-CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas). Durante veinte años ha investigado el papel de los bosques en el ciclo global del carbono en varios ecosistemas del planeta, incluyendo bosques boreales en Rusia, en el norte de Europa, bosques templados en Estados Unidos y en Inglaterra, o en bosques tropicales en África. 



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